A lot is happening in San Diego...
Prospect Medical is here to help with resources that answer your burning questions.
Prospect Medical San Diego Resources: Available For Download
Prospect Medical San Diego 2024-2025 Physician Directory | Download Here |
San Diego 2024-2025 Specialty Roster | Download Here |
San Diego Broker FAQ | Download Here |
San Diego Broker Fact Sheet | Download Here |
Dr. Kaveh Bahmanpour
Dr. Arwinnah P. Bautista
Dr. Noli A. Cava
Clinica Internacional Buena Salud Inc.
Clinica Medica De La Mora
Dr. Ramiz Elias
Gateway Comprehensive Medical Group
Gateway Medical Group of San Diego
Dr. Mahshid M. Hamidi
Dr. Elahe Toulouie
Dr. Hassan Alsabbak
Dr. Kenny Mai
My Chula Vista Doctors
Dr. Mumtaz Almansour
Fallbrook Medical Center
Dr. Carlos De Carvalho
Dr. Jose R. Lopez
Dr. San Gabriel
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to our San Diego Business Development Manager: Kristin Kroeze, at kristin.koreze@prospectmedical.com