Xuanto Leduc MD | Prospect Medical Systems

Flu Vaccine- Get your flu vaccine!

Important Resources for SoCal Members & Physicians Affected by the Wildfires

Xuanto Leduc MD

Provider Details

Provider Type

Primary Care Provider

Practice Name(s)

Leduc Medical Group





License #

A 39058

License Type

State Medical License

Non-English Languages

Spanish , Vietnamese


Children's Hospital of Los Angeles

Medical School

University of Saigon Faculty of Medicine (Vietnam)


Genetics (MD/DO), Pediatrics

Board Certification

American Board of Pediatrics

Age Restrictions

0 - 18

Hospital Affiliation

Children's Hospital of Los Angeles


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Health Plan Affiliations

Health Plan Name Plan Type Medical Group Provider Type Health Plan ID Accepting Patients? Address
AHMC Commercial Genesis PCP GEN000111 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
Anthem Blue Cross Commercial Genesis PCP 0WY078 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
Blue Shield Medicare Genesis PCP 100104866040 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
Cigna Commercial Genesis PCP 3956932045 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
HealthNet Medicare Genesis PCP 9728 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
United Healthcare Commercial Genesis PCP 0149040337 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
United Healthcare Medicare Genesis PCP 149040337 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
Aetna Commercial Prospect Medical Group Orange County PCP 418818 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
Blue Shield Commercial Prospect Medical Group Orange County PCP 100104866053 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
HealthNet Commercial Prospect Medical Group Orange County PCP 2879009728 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
HealthNet Commercial - Shared Risk Prospect Medical Group Orange County PCP 2898009728 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
AHMC Commercial Prospect Orange County PCP PGG001218 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
Anthem Blue Cross Commercial Prospect Orange County PCP 0PY612 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
Cigna Commercial Prospect Orange County PCP 3956932064 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
United Healthcare Commercial Prospect Orange County PCP 340100088 Accepting New Patients 10900 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 927083846
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